
Comparative study on combined preoxidation by potassium permanganate composites with chlorine and preozonation for enhancing coagulation

Comparative study on combined preoxidation by potassium permanganate composites with chlorine and preozonation for enhancing coagulation
摘要 Comparative pilot tests were conducted to investigate the coagulation-aid effects of the combined preoxidation by potassium permanganate composites (PPC) with chlorine and preozonation. And the synergistie mechanism of combined preoxidation was discussed. Results showed that 1.0 mg/L PPC with 2. 0 mg/L chlorine could further improve the quality of treated water, as indicated by residual turbidity, TOC and algae. The enhanced efficiency could be explained by the synergistic effect of the preoxidants themselves, or the effect of chlorine and the intermediate such as hydrous manganese dioxide, which was generated by potassium permanga- nate, the main ingredient of PPC. Comparative pilot tests were conducted to investigate the coagulation-aid effects of the combined preoxidation by potassium permanganate composites (PPC) with chlorine and preozonation. And the synergistic mechanism of combined preoxidation was discussed. Results showed that 1.0 mg/L PPC with 2.0 mg/L chlorine could further improve the quality of treated water, as indicated by residual turbidity, TOC and algae. The enhanced efficiency could be explained by the synergistic effect of the preoxidants themselves, or the effect of chlorine and the intermediate such as hydrous manganese dioxide, which was generated by potassium permanganate, the main ingredient of PPC.
出处 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期849-853,共5页 哈尔滨工业大学学报(英文版)
基金 Sponsored by the Development Program for Outstanding Young Teachers in Harbin Institute of Technology (Grant No.HITQNJS.2008.042) State KeyLab of Urban Water Resource and Environment(Grant No. HIT.ES200803) Harbin Science and Technology Development Program for Young Innovative Scholars(Grant No.2009RFQXS010)
关键词 potassium permanganate composites (PPC) CHLORINE combined preoxidation PREOZONATION enhanced coagulation 臭氧预氧化 高锰酸钾 复合材料 凝血 合并 PPC 试验测试
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