
阿诺德:文化精英主义者抑或有机知识分子? 被引量:3

Arnold:A Cultural Elitist or an Organic Intellectual
摘要 阿诺德不仅是传统意义上的"文人"及文化精英主义者,其《多佛海滩》为代表的传世佳作,通过诗歌即"人生批评"的理论奠定了英国文学批评的基础,而且更是葛兰西意义上的"有机知识分子",毕生致力于改造由心胸狭隘、不具亲和力、不具吸引力的中产阶级所代表的维多利亚时代英国社会。换言之,传播与丰富"世界上的最佳思想与言论"的,并非是作为传统文人的阿诺德,而是作为有机知识分子的阿诺德。 Arnold is not only a literary man in the traditional sense and a cultural elitist, but also a Gramseian organic intellectual. His representative works "Dover Beach"laid a foundation for British literary criticism by the theory "Life Criticism" of his poem. Arnold devoted himself to recasting the Victorian England represented by the narrow-minded and unattracted middle class. In other words, it is Arnold, who is as an organie intellectual, not as a traditional literary man, that disseminated and enriehed "the best ideas and views of the world".
作者 徐德林
出处 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2009年第6期105-110,共6页 Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 诗歌 批评 有机知识分子 Poem Criticism Organic Intellectual
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