
社区自然人群心电图早复极改变的流行病学调查 被引量:6

Epidemiological study of early repolarization in natural population
摘要 目的总结社区自然人群中早复极的流行病学特点。方法收集3047份山西省坝陵桥社区自然人群的基本信息及心电图资料,按J波型和J点抬高型分别统计早复极的发生率,以及在不同年龄组和心电图不同导联的分布情况。结果早复极总发生率为12.80%,男性高于女性(p<0.01);J波型早复极发生率为3.41%,55~64岁年龄组最多(32例),下壁导联多见(45例);J点抬高型早复极发生率为9.39%,35~44岁年龄组最多(92例),多见于右胸导联(160例);心血管及代谢性疾病患者J波型早复极的发生率高于健康人群(p<0.05)。结论在社区自然人群中早复极不少见,不同性别、年龄发生率不同。J波型早复极的发生率与心血管及代谢性疾病相关。 Objective Investigate characteristic of the prevalence of early repolarization in natural population of community. Methods 3047 ECG recordings from Balingqiao community of Shanxi province were contained for analysis. The incidence of early repolarization that divided into J-wave type and J-point type were calculated in different age stage and different leads. Results The incidence of early repolarization was 12.80%, higher in males than in females(p〈0.01 ). The prevalence of J-wave type was 3.41%, and most in 55-64 year old group and inferior leads. The prevalence of J-point type was 9.39%, and most in 35-44 year old group and left precordial leads. The incidence of J-wave type early repolarization was higher in patients with Cardiovascular and Metabolic disease than health population (p 〈0.05). Conclusions Early repolarization is not rare in natural population and its incidence is different in each age group or leads group. The incidence of J-wave type early repolarization is relevant with Cardiovascular and Metabolic disease.
出处 《临床心电学杂志》 2009年第6期413-415,共3页 Journal of Clinical Electrocardiology
基金 2009年博士基金项目(项目编号:2007-42)
关键词 自然人群 早复极 流行病学 natural population early repolarization epidemiology
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