
XML数据集中挖掘关联规划算法的比较 被引量:1

A Comparison Between Mining Association Rule Algorithms in XML Data Sets
摘要 文章用Java语言实现了关联规则挖掘的两个算法FP-growth和Apriori算法,将这两个算法应用于用XML表示的实验数据中,实现了从XML数据库中直接挖掘关联规则,并与基于XQuery实现的Apriori算法进行了性能比较。 This paper proposes a framework for association rule mining on XML data. It presents a Java- based implementation of the apriori and the FP growth algorithms for this task and compares their performances, and also the performance of our implementation with an XQuery-based implementation.
作者 王树锋
出处 《常州工学院学报》 2009年第6期55-59,共5页 Journal of Changzhou Institute of Technology
关键词 关联规则挖掘 XML数据 FP—growth算法的Java实现 数据挖掘 association rule mining XML data a Java-based implementation of the FP-growth algorithm data mining
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