We consider the history of U.S. urban transportation plan- ning over the past 100 years, to explain the evolution and legacy of the single most important transportation development of the past century save automobility itself: the emergence of the urban fi'eeway. We reviewed primary and secondary material, including plans, manuscripts, newspaper accounts, and scholarly articles and books. We ar-gue that the method used to fund interstate highway development put federal and state highway engineers in charge, and this affected highways' location and design. State highway engineers imposed a narrow, traffic-service oriented vision on metropolitan freeways that focused on maximizing vehicle throughput and largely ignored other urban concerns. With too little advance thought, overbuilt, sparse, ring-radial networks were routed through neighborhoods in cities around the country, often at great social and environmental cost. Though the system has undeniably conferred great benefits in terms of enhanced mobility, the costs have been high as well. A century-old vision of coordinated transportation and land use planning has resur- faced in practice, but in the meantime politically expedient decisionsabout public finance have had unanticipated, but profound and long-lasting effects on projects, travel, and urban form.
Urban Transport of China
urban freeway
plan-ning history