用VHDL语言设计交通灯控制器,并利用Quartus Ⅱ软件平台对设计系统进行仿真、编译,并下载到FPGA/CPLD可编程逻辑器件中。由于生成的是集成化的数字电路,没有传统设计中的接线问题,所以故障率低、可靠性高。由于采用了EDA技术,所以大大缩短了开发研制周期,提高了设计效率,使系统具有设计灵活,实现简单,性能稳定的特点。
Design of traffic light controller using VHDL language is made in this article, and it takes the advantage of Quartus Ⅱ design software platform for the simulation system, the compiler and downloads to the FPGA / CPLD programmable logic devices. For the digital circuit generated is integrated, so there is no wiring problem that occurred in traditional design, it has low failure rate and high reliability. As a result of EDA technology, it greatly shortens the development cycle and improves the design efficiency; the system has the characteristics of flexible design, simple and stable performance.
Shanxi Electronic Technology