
几种无磷保水剂对南美白对虾冷冻质量的影响 被引量:14

Effects of Several Kinds of Non-phosphate Additive on the Frozen Quality of White Leg Shrimp
摘要 [目的]研究几种无磷保水剂对南美白对虾冷冻质量的影响。[方法]将新鲜虾仁用不同的保水剂浸渍处理,通过测定虾仁的浸泡增重率、解冻损失率、蒸煮损失率和破断力等物性学指标,筛选出效果最佳的无磷保水剂。[结果]褐藻酸钠裂解物的效果最佳。南美白对虾虾仁经0.5%褐藻酸钠裂解物浸泡1h,增重效果达13%左右。经0.5%褐藻酸钠裂解物处理的虾仁经冻藏20 d后,仍能够有效地保持浸泡增重效果,防止了解冻损失,提高了产品出品率,效果优于复合磷酸盐。另外,褐藻酸钠裂解物能够降低虾仁的破断力,增加嫩度。[结论]为开发一种低价、高效、适用于南美白对虾的天然无害的无磷保水剂奠定基础,为冷冻虾仁的生产提供技术支持。 [Objective]The research aimed to study the effects of several kinds of non-phosphate additive on the frozen quality of white leg shrimp.[Method]The fresh white leg shrimp was marinated in different solutions.The material sexology indices,such as immersion weight gain rate,frozen drip loss rate,cooking loss rate and texture property were determined to screen the best non-phosphate additive.[Result]The effect of the product from sodium alginate obtain by H_2O_2 was better than others.It could significantly increase the quality of white leg shrimp. The weight of white leg shrimp increased by 13%after been marinated for 1 hour.The effects even could be kept at high level after frozen 20 days.The product from sodium alginate could decreased the frozen drip loss after unfrozen,and also improved the tender after been cooked.It was better than phosphate compound B542.[Conclusion]The study can lay the foundation for developing a kind of natural and harmless nonphosphate additive with low price,high effect and suitable for white leg shrimp,and provide technological support for the product of frozen shrimp meat.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第36期18140-18142,18255,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(30671632) 江苏大学校基金项目(08JDG006)
关键词 无磷保水剂 南美白对虾 冷冻质量 Non-phosphate additive White leg shrimp Frozen quality
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