
企业员工隐性知识交流能力评价模型 被引量:10

Evaluation Model of Employees' Capability of Tacit Knowledge Interchange
摘要 为评价企业员工隐性知识交流能力,提出隐性知识交流能力评价模型。首先,通过问卷调查获得企业员工隐性知识流转情况,并据此建立隐性知识流转网络。其次,根据隐性知识流转网络以及Page Rank算法的基本思想建立隐性知识交流能力评价模型。在该模型中,能经常与别人交流的员工,交流能力强;与交流能力强的人交流,自身的交流能力也会提升;每个人用于知识交流的精力是有限的;每个人不会把所有的隐性知识分享给别人。最后讨论分析模型的解。 In order to evaluate employees' ability of tacit knowledge interchange, the paper proposes an evaluation model. Firstly, obtaining the data of tacit knowledge transfer through questionnaire survey, and accordingly establishing the network of tacit knowledge transfer. Secondly, establishing the evaluation model of employees' capability of tacit knowledge interchange based on the network of tacit knowledge transfer and the Page Rank algorithm. In this model, the employees who are able to interchange knowledge with others have strong capability of tacit knowledge interchange, each person' s energy of knowledge interchange is limited, and each person will not share all the tacit knowledge to others. Finally, the paper discusses and analyses the solution of this model.
作者 刘军
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期79-81,共3页 Library and Information Service
基金 泰山学院科研资助项目"基于Ontology的企业知识管理模型研究"(项目编号:Y07-1-17)研究成果之一
关键词 PAGE RANK 隐性知识 知识交流 Page Rank tacit knowledge knowledge interchange
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