

Newspapering transition under media new pattern
摘要 包括互联网在内的新媒体快速发展,导致当前传媒格局发生革命性改变,传统的"铁三角"格局已不复存在,网络等新媒体成为主流媒体重要的组成部分。面对新的传媒格局,传统报业只有义无反顾的投身新媒体建设,才能在未来的媒体格局中抢占舆论引导制高点,获得更大的发展契机。 Rapid development of the new media including the Internet, leading to the current media situation has undergone revolutionary change, the traditional "iron triangle" pattem has ceased to exist, Internet and other new media are becoming an important part of the mainstream media. Faced with the new media structure, the traditional newspaper industry is only duty-bound to join the new media building in the future media landscape in order to seize the high ground of public opinion guidance, access to greater opportunity for development......
作者 宋玉冰
出处 《湖北广播电视大学学报》 2010年第3期97-98,共2页 Journal of Hubei Radio & Television University
关键词 互联网 新媒体 传媒格局改变 报业转型 Intemet, new media, media patterns change, transformation of newspaper
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