
论高校合并与新大学的改革、创新和发展 被引量:3

On University Merger and the Innovation and Development of New Universities
摘要 高校合并是我国高等教育管理体制改革的重要内容。迄今为止,高校合并已经取得了巨大的成就,但目前有必要对其进行理性思考和科学分析,以取得共识,加快合并高校的科学发展。论题分析了高校合并特别是高校合并后存在的问题,指出了高校合并后出现的新的发展机遇,认为合并后的高校必须及时完成向"融入社会,引领地方经济社会发展"的战略转移,通过树立质量立校、特色兴校和人才强校的理念,确立创新意识、开放意识、团队意识和效率意识,以改革创新精神推动合并后高校的科学发展,以实现"1+1>2"的合并目的。 So far, university merger, which plays an important part in the administrative system reform of Chinese higher education, has made great achievement in China. Presently it is necessary that we give it a rational reflection and scientific analysis, and obtain some common understanding to promote the development of merged universities. This paper discusses the problems in, esp. after, the merger of universities, presents the new opportunities in the development of merged universities and points out that, after the merger, new universities should timely fulfill their strategic shift to "integrate into local community and lead local social and economic development". The paper also proposes to build up university operational ideology of quality, differentiation and elitism, and to establish senses of innovation, opening, teamwork and efficiency so as to promote the scientific development of merged universities with innovative spirit and realize the ultimate goal of "1 + 1 〉 2 "in university merger.
作者 黄国泰
机构地区 海南大学
出处 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第1期103-109,共7页 Journal of Hainan University (Humanities & Social Sciences)
关键词 高校合并 新大学 办学理念 改革创新 科学发展 university merger new universities operational ideology innovation scientific development
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