The purpose of Planning Environmental Impact Assessment does not reduce the influence what is plan brings to environment, but by comparing, select out the alternative proposal which can bring the least influence to environment. This paper applys AHP and fuzzy mathematical method, calculates the alternative proposals of layout schemes,reasonably selects indexes from six aspects of air environment, water environment, waste material, resources carrying capacity, resources and energy consumption and ecological environment protection, establishes index system about the rationality of layout scheme. Applying AHP and fuzzy mathematical method, the paper calculates the four alternative proposals of layout schemes, obtains the results. The result of first scheme is 77.44, second scheme is 78.62, third scheme is 78.23, the fourth is 82. 13. The fourth scheme is the scheme of "zero footstep". Its result is used as environmental background reference value. Referring to the result of fourth scheme, combining with the membership degree of each scheme, the paper selects out the optimum scheme.
Environmental Science and Management
planning environmental impact assessment
analytic hierarchy process(AHP) and fuzzy mathematical method
alternative proposal