
无线传感器网络在边坡监测中的应用 被引量:5

Application of Wireless Sensor Network in the Slope Monitoring
摘要 将无线传感器网络技术应用于高边坡监测中,设计了一种自动化、智能化的边坡监测系统。采用IEEE802.15.4协议将传感器采集的应力数据和环境的温度、湿度和光照数据传送到基站,基站再通过GPRS将数据发送到GSM网络,监测中心的计算机通过Internet网络接收这些数据来监测边坡的状态。监测计算机中的应用软件能显示、存储、分析数据,并在数据超标时发出报警提示。这对非稳态边坡和泥石流高发地区的交通安全具有实际意义。 This paper is putting wireless sensor network into high slope monitoring, an automatic and intelligent slope monitoring system was designed. The stress data, environmental temperature, humidity and photometric data were by sensors were transmitted to base station by IEEE802.15.4 protocol, then the base station through GPRS transmitted these data to the GSM network, and the computer in monitor center received these data through the Internet network to monitor the slope. The application software in monitoring computer displayed, stored, analyzed these data and sent out an alarm message when the data exceeded the allowed figure. This has practical significance for traffic safety of the non- steady slope and debris flow region.
出处 《自动化与仪表》 北大核心 2010年第2期28-31,共4页 Automation & Instrumentation
关键词 无线传感器网络 边坡监测 MSP430F1611 射频收发器CC2420 wireless sensor network (WSN) slope monitoring MSP430F1611 radio frequency transceiver CC2420
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