
艾丽斯·默多克的后现代叙事特征 被引量:2

Iris Murdoch's Postmodern Narrative Techniques
摘要 艾丽斯·默多克是一位将传统的现实主义思想与后现代叙事手法进行调和的现代英国女作家。为了反映当代社会道德存在的现状和问题,在现实主义叙事传统的基础上,她采用了后现代主义的叙事思想来探索人的主体性和真理、善和美之间的矛盾与关联。从她的人论入手,可详细读解她的作品中四个主要后现代叙事特征,包括语言与真理的悖论、语言与游戏的关系和反佛罗伊德的倾向,对理解和领会她的作品丰富的社会道德含义有一定帮助。 The contemporary English writer Iris Murdoch is a mediator between the traditional realism and the postmodem narrative techniques. She employs the postmodem narrative ideas on the realistic tradition so as to reflect the real situation of the urgent problems with the contemporary society. This paper attempts to investigate four of her postmodem narrative features on the basis of her idea of man, namely the paradox between language and truth, relationship between language and play and anti-Freudianism, which will help us understand better social and moral significance in her works.
作者 田明刚
出处 《赣南师范学院学报》 2010年第1期69-73,共5页 Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))
关键词 艾丽斯·默多克 英国文学 后现代叙事 人性 Iris Murdoch English literature postmodem narrative human nature
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