
聚合温度及铁电液晶有序度对单体转化率的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Polymerization Temperature and Orientation Order of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal on Monomer Conversion Rate
摘要 采用琉醇和丙烯酸的混合物作为反应单体,利用红外光谱仪检测反应前后单体的C=C双键吸收峰的变化,研究了温度对单体转化率的影响。制备了单体含量为10%的聚合物稳定铁电液晶器件,研究了铁电液晶有序度对单体的影响。实验表明:随着温度的增加单体的转化率增加,随着铁电液晶有序度的增加单体的转化率增加;在铁电液晶中单体的转化率主要受有序度的影响;制备聚合物稳定铁电液晶器件最佳的聚合条件为近晶A相(SmA)下聚合。 Using thiol and acrylate as monomer,the absorption peaks of ene before and after polymerization are studied using FTIR spectrometer. The relationship of conversion rate and temperature is studied. A polymer stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal device (PSFLCD) is fabricated and the amount of monomer is 10%. The relationship between conversion rate and orientation order of ferroelectric liquid crystal is studied. It shows that, the conversion increases with the increase of temperature and the orientation order of ferroelectric liquid crystal. The conversion rate is dominated by the orientation order of ferroelectric liquid crystal,and SmA is the best polymerization when fabricating a polymer stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal device.
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期29-32,共4页 Acta Photonica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(60736042 50703039)资助
关键词 聚合物稳定铁电液晶 转化率 有序度 Polymer Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal(PSFLCD) Conversion rate Orientation order
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