
转型经济与经济转型——基于G函数视角分析 被引量:1

Economy in Transformation and Transformation of Economy
摘要 从G函数的结构出发,陈述转型经济的基本结构。聚焦于各个阶段Hessian矩阵的变化,揭示转型的实质内容,分析经济转型的结构和变化趋势。结果得出,经济转型的本质是干预效率的转移和让渡,转移的最终结果是恢复市场经济的自由,并逐步加强宏观调控对固定数量的作用。转型后的经济,似乎宏观调控的机制会逐步转到保证社会消费约束的方面,其结果是不断增强对固定数量所衍生内容的调控。 This paper starts with the structure of G function and describes the basic structure of the economy in transformation.It focuses on the changes of the Hessian matrix in different phases,exposes the essential contents of the transformation,and analyzes the structure of the economic transformation and its change tendency.Results show that the essence of the economic transformation lies in the transfer and transition of the intervention efficiency.The final result from the transference is the restoration of the freedom of marketing economy,and the gradual strengthening of the macro coordination of the fixed number.In the economy after transformation,the mechanism of the macro coordination seems to move to the guarantee of the social consumption restraint,and the result from it is the increasing solidification of the adjustment of the contents derived from the fixed number.
作者 孙中才
出处 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2010年第1期5-10,共6页 Journal of Shantou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 转型经济 干预效率的替代 宏观调控机制 economy in transformation substitution of intervention efficiency mechanism of macro coordination
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