
2型糖尿病患者认知功能及脑结构影像的观察 被引量:8

Study of cognitive function and brain volume in type 2 diabetic patients
摘要 目的探讨2型糖尿病(DM)患者与健康对照者认知功能水平与脑区体积的异同。方法应用多维度神经心理测试对比评估21例2型DM患者和19名健康对照者的神经认知功能;并采用基于体素的脑形态学(VBM)方法研究两组受试者全脑及局部脑区结构差异。结果2型DM组听觉词语记忆测试一延迟回忆项(AVIJT—delayrecall)[(5.7±1.8)分]、听觉词语记忆测试一再认回忆项(AVLT—recognition)[(20.8±2.6)分]和画钟测试(CDT)[(8.0±1.1)分]成绩均显著差于对照组[分别为(7.3±1.4)分,(22.7±1.2)分,(9.5±2.5)分]。2型DM组全脑灰质容积[(528±65)mm2]明显小于对照组[(614±80)mm2],在全脑容积(TIV)校正后差异仍有统计学意义。2型DM患者双侧颞上回,左侧颞中回,双侧岛叶,双侧额中回,右侧额下回,左侧顶下小叶,双侧中央前回,双侧扣带后回,左侧扣带前回,双侧海马旁回及右侧楔前叶体积较对照组明显萎缩(P〈0.001)。2型DM患者全脑灰质容积/TIV与体重指数(BMI)呈负相关,全脑灰质容积与糖化血红蛋白(HbAlC)负相关。AVLT-delayrecall和AVLT—recognition与BMI和HbAlC均负相关,CDT与HbAlC呈负相关。结论2型DM患者认知水平降低且伴全脑灰质容积减少及局部脑萎缩,提示2型DM患者可能存在加速脑老化的因素,引起认知功能下降。 Objective To investigate the differences of cognitive function and brain volume between patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and healthy controls. Methods Multi-dimensional neuropsychological tests were employed to evaluated cognitive function in 21 type 2 DM patients and 19 healthy controls, and voxel-based morphometry method was applied to measure volum of whole and regional gray matter in brain of these subjects. Results Compared to healthy controls [ ( 7. 3± 1.4 ), ( 22.7 + 1.2), (9.5± 2. 5 ) respectively ], significantly impaired performance of Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) -Delay Recall, [ ( 5.7 ± 1.8 ) ] AVLT-Recognition [ ( 20. 8 ± 2. 6 ) ] and Clock Drawing Test (CDT) [ ( 8.0± 1. 1 )]and extensive atrophy of gray matter ( after corrected by total intracranial volume ) were observed in type 2 DM patients ( P 〈 0. 05 ). In addition, whole gray matter/Total Intracranial Volume (TIV) was significantly negatively correlated with BMI( r = -0. 352, P = 0. 013 ). And negative correlations existed between whole gray matter vs HbA1 c ( r = - 0. 309, P = 0. 026 ) ; the performance of AVLT-Delay Recall and AVLT-Recognition vs BMI( r = - 0. 398, P -- 0. 011 ; r = - 0. 4, P = 0. 011 ) and HbA1 c ( r = -0.354, P =0.025;r = -0.323, P =0.042) and CDT vs HbAlc (r = -0.322, P =0.043). Conclusion Mutli-cognitive impairment was associated with the reduced volume of whole and regional gray matter in brain of type 2 DM patients, which indicated that "accelerated brain ageing" might present in type 2 DM patients.
出处 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期327-331,共5页 National Medical Journal of China
基金 国家重点基础研究计划“973”项目(2007CB512303) 国家自然科学基金(30770779)作者单位:(周红、卢万俊、张志瑶、柏峰、常京豪) 东南大学分子影像研究中心(滕皋军)通信作者:滕皋军,Email:gjteng@rip.sina.com
关键词 糖尿病 2型 认知 磁共振成像 Diabetes mellitus, type 2 Cognition Magnetic resonance imaging
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