目的建立本实验室胱抑素C(胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂,Cytatin C,Cys-C)免疫透射比浊法测定试剂盒的参考值范围。方法随机抽取240例健康人员的新鲜血清,利用市售胱抑素C测定试剂盒(免疫透射比浊法)进行测定,测定结果按CLSIC28-A2(临床实验室参考值范围的定义和确认.第2版)进行统计处理。结果本实验室1~49岁健康人群胱抑素C参考值范围为0.59—1.06mg/L,50-88岁健康人群胱抑素C参考值范围为0.48~1.32mg/L。结论实验室有.必要根据CLSIC28-A2文件的规定建立自己的参考值范围。
Objective To build the reference intervals of Cystatin C. Methods Randomly collecting 240 samples of health persons,test them by systatin C assay kit( Immunohurbidimetry method) and count the resuhs according to CLSI C28-A2 (How to define and determine reference intervals in the clinical laboratory;approved guideline-second edition). Results Con- firmed the reference intervals of cystatin C is 0. 59 - 1.06mg/L to 1 -49 years old people,and 0. 48 - 1.32mg/L to 50 - 88 years old people. Conclusion It is necessary for labarotory to determine its own reference intervals aecordinge to the C28-A2.
Sichuan Medical Journal