库库提尼的新石器时代陶器距今约5000年,它是Ariusd—CucuteniTripolie古人类活动带的一部分,位于欧洲东南部。对这种三色彩陶器的研究是法国和罗马尼亚的合作项目,基金来源是Brancusi项目提供,研究方向是制陶的黏土成分、烧制温度、用于涂彩的颜料层(白、红、黑),陶器式样模型材料等。库库提尼文化是19世纪末第一个被发现的,它经历了约120年的流逝,由于过去对它的研究主要为考古调查,处于对它特殊性的好奇,才带出了本课题。本文报道了用岩相学分析的结果,通过对陶质材料进行SEMEDX,XRF检测,得到了库库提尼从A期、A B期到B期的不同进化阶段的岩相学陶层资料,现已发现的Scanteia,Targu Frumos,Ruginoasa,Cucuteni,Isaia,Poienesti考古遗址也符合这种进化阶段。本项目的目的是创建一个基础数据库,使有关库库提尼的资料数据能完整统一地输入古代欧洲研究数据库。
The Neolithic ceramics of Cucuteni, about 5000 year-old, is a part of the wider complex of Ariusd-Cucuteni-Tripolie in the southeast of Europe. This type of three-color painted ceramics was the object of a cooperation project between France and Romania, funded through the Brancusi Program, which was aimed at studying the ceramic paste, burning temperature, pigments (white, red and black) used for the ornamentation of the ceramic items, modeling of the shape of the items, etc. The Cucuteni cuhure was first discovered at the end of the 19th century and during the about 120 years elapsed since then the research was mainly focused on the archaeologic, al investigations. The research carried out within the Brancusi Program brings, as a novelty, the focus on the study of the paste, temperature, pigmenxts and modeling materials. The paper described the result of the petrographic analyses, SEM-EDX, XRF obtained on ceramic fragments of the Cucuteni civilization from the A, AB and B phases of evolution, which were discovered in the archaeological site of Scanteia, Targu Frumos, Ruginoasa, Cucuteni, Isaia, Poienesti. The final aim of this research is to create a database in order to integrate the results of such project and the information available on the Cucuteni ceramics into the data known about the old Europe.
Painted ceramics: Petrographic analyses