The mineral knowledge of Egyptian civilization often exceeds our first thought with the use of several yellow ores for close tints and the fine identifications of colours bring to widen the polychromy study to concepts touching with symbolism, commercial exchanges or with workshop secrets. The painter palette is particularly rich, employing at the same time natural materials directly extracted the Egyptian ground, while attaching the same value to the synthetic pigments like Egyptian blue. The study of the French collections made it possible to reveal the palette evolution through the centuries, with the substitution of some materials or the importation of new colour coming from foreign territories, particularly Eastern countries. But their state of conservation wonders about the stability or the originality of some coloured materials. The mission of the Louvre museum in Saqqara proceeded to the excavation of a typical collective tomb from the Late Period (378-341 BC) and an inscription on the Imhotep wooden sarcophagus dates its burial: the year 2 of Nectanebo II, last Pharaon of XXXth dynasty. The material of this study relates to funerary material on wooden support, it means twenty whole or fragmentary sarcophagi as well as boxes. The microsamples were all observed under binocular magnifying glass, then analyzed by SEM-EDS and Raman microspectrometry for the mineral part. Mierochemieal tests were carried out in order to highlight traces of binders. The chromatic palette includes not only traditional colours in Egyptian polychromy-black, white, red, yellow, blue, green with gilding-but also less usual tints like pink or orange, using a foreign and fragile arsenic sulfide, the realgar.
Egyptian polychromy on wooden objects