

GridSim Simulation of Min-min Task Scheduling Algorithm in Grid
摘要 该文用模拟方法研究网格中的任务调度问题.首先对Min—min算法进行分析,然后用GfidSim对Min-min调度算法进行模拟实现,阐述了实现过程,并统计模拟结果,对Min—min算法的MakeSpan和负载等性能进行了分析,验证了模拟实现过程的正确性。 The paper uses the simulation method to research the task scheduling problem in Grid. The paper firstly analyzes the Min-min task scheduling. Then Min-Min algorithm is simulated with the aid of GridSim simulation toolkit. The paper gives the implementing process and analyzes the performances of the Min-min algorithm including Makespan and load. The results validate that the simulation process is correct.
作者 苏翊 SU Yi (Information Center, Loudi Electric Power Bureau, Hunan Electric Power Company, Loudi 417000, China)
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2010年第02Z期1052-1053,共2页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 网格计算 任务调度 Min—min 执行时间 GirdSim模拟 grid computing task scheduling Min-min implementing time GirdSim simulation
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