

A Survey on the Special Highway Communication Network in Jilin Province
摘要 吉林省高速公路专用通信网络主要由长春至四平和长春至吉林两条高速公路上的通信系统构成 ,设置通信中心、通信分中心、通信站等几层管理机构 ,包括干线通信系统、传输系统、通信系统等几大部分。干线通信系统主要采用光缆传输 ,辅以电缆 ,光、电缆在公路中央隔离带内的预埋管道中敷设 ,管道分四孔波纹塑料管道和硅管两种 ,分别用于长平、长吉两条高速公路。传输系统为适应高速公路通信特点 ,采用 PDH光电综合复用设备 ,具有能自动倒换的 1B1H码 ,各通信中心、通信分中心、通信站配置光端机 (光中继机 ) ,PCM等设备 ,以满足光传输要求。通信系统由业务电话、紧急电话、移动电话系统组成。业务电话系统采用 MD110数字程控用户交换机 ,全网共配置 6部 ,用以高速公路上沿线各部门内部业务通信和长途通信。在两条高速公路两侧配置了不同厂家的紧急电话 ,全网共设 10 8对分机。高速公路的移动通信系统采用 80 0 MHz的集群移动通信设备 ,用以满足施工建设、巡逻。 The special highway communication network in Jilin Province is composed of communication system over the two highways from Changchun to Siping and Changchun to Jilin, which is divided into several manage layers such as communication center, sub communication center and communication station including truck communication system, transmission system and communication system. The truck communication system adopts optical fiber as the main transmission means and electric cable as the auxiliary. Both the optical fiber and the electric cable are placed in the pre laid tubes in the isolated part under the central line of the highway. Two kinds of tubes——plastic corrugated tube with four holes and silicon tube are there used separately for the highways of Changchun/Siping and Changchun/Jilin. To meet the requirement of highway communication, the transmission system is equipped with PDH photoelectric equipment including the auto conversed 1B1H code, and all the communication center, sub communication center and communication station are equipped with relay points and PCM for optical transmission. Communication system comprises business phone, emergency phone and mobile phone. Six sets of MD110 exchange board are provided for the business phone system, specially for the internal business communication and telecommunication between the management divisions along the highway. Emergency phones from different manufacturers are located in both sides of the road, totally 108 extensions are there in the network. 800 MHz alveolate automobile communication equipment is chosen for the automobile communication system to meet the demand of construction, patrol duty, rescue and maintenance.
出处 《交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所学报》 1998年第2期80-84,共5页
关键词 高速公路 专用通信网 线路传输 construction and management of highway communication network online transmission and system communication system
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