传统的视频回放系统需要专门开发播放软件。本文介绍了在Visual C++中利用DirectShow SDK定制视频解码插件的解决回放问题的新方案,定制的插件随处可用,Microsoft Windows Media Player可以自动调用进行解码回放,避免安装专门的播放软件。本文给出了视频解码插件详细的开发过程,并给出了解码插件的关键函数。
The traditional video playback system needs to develop special player software. This paper mainly introduces the new proposal to make a video decoding plug-in via DirectShow SDK in Visual C++ to realize playback function. This new developed plug-in could be used anywhere, i.e. Microsoft W;ndows Media Player could introduce it to encode and playback automatically but not use a special player software any more. This paper shows the detail development process and key function of video decoding plug-in.
Modern Manufacturing Technology and Equipment