

IBTM:An incentive-based transaction model by encouraging truthful reporting in the grid market
摘要 网格市场中,理性自私的资源提供者有较强的动机偏离所承诺的服务质量,现有交易模型根据历史汇报来衡量交易双方的信任关系,对汇报是否诚实缺乏足够关注.因此提出一种激励诚实汇报的交易模型,激励理性用户趋向诚实的汇报,并基于汇报评估资源服务可信度,引导用户进行合理的资源选择.模拟试验表明,该模型可以有效规范网格交易市场,减少交易风险. In the grid market rational and selfish resource providers have strong incentives to deviate from the advertised quality of service(QoS).The current transaction models analyze the trust relationships between providers and users based on historical reports,with insufficient attention to their truthfulness.A new transaction model is proposed to inspirit users to report truthfully and estimate providers' service trust,leading users to select resources rationally.Simulation results indicate that the model can effectively regulate the grid market and reduce transaction risk.
出处 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期85-91,共7页 JUSTC
基金 国家自然科学基金(60673172 60273041) 中国高技术研究发展(863)计划(2006AA01A110)资助
关键词 网格市场 交易模型 诚实汇报 grid market transaction model truthful report
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