

A DEA-based Efficiency Analysis of Korea’s Heath Care
摘要 本文运用DEA对韩国16个地方自治区域251个保健所的有效性进行了测评,其投入因素为人力,产出是口腔保健、母子保健、传染病预防等。结果显示16个地方自治区域中,除了京畿道之外的其他道级行政区域比广域市的保健所效率低下,而且各自治区域之间也良莠不齐。对此本文提出了转换对保健所的认识、改革保健所经营方式、确保专门人才和预算等提高保健所效率的政策性建议。 This DEA analysis was done based on 16 regional administration zones with a total of 251 health centers. The efficiency was evaluated via an analysis of inputs and outputs based on a treatment of infectious, dental and sexually transmitted diseases vis-a-vis the number of personnel. It was shown that among the 16 local administrative units only Geonggi Province had a high efficiency. To promote efficiency in heath care work, we give some advice about, for example, having a new conception of it, innovating the management of public health centers, and guaranteeing a sufficient number of professionals and budget. It is suggested that there is a need for hiring more persons in most of the health centers.
机构地区 韩国朝鲜大学
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2010年第1期83-87,共5页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
关键词 保健所 医疗保健工作 投入 产出 有效性 DEA public health center management input output efficiency DEA
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