为了寻求通用的以天然气为原料的化肥生产综合废水处理回用技术,试验采用膜生物反应器(MBR)、曝气生物流化床(ABFT)和曝气生物滤池(BAF)三种工艺对去除生产废水中的COD、NH3-N、硝酸盐氮的效果进行了比较。试验结果表明,三种工艺处理出水NH3-N的质量浓度均小于10 mg/L,达到设计要求;MBR和BAF处理出水COD的质量浓度低于30 mg/L,也满足要求,ABFT处理出水COD超标,三种工艺对硝酸盐氮的去除率都不高,脱氮不彻底。本试验为工程设计提供了技术参考。
In order to find a proper process for treatment and reuse of synthetic wastewater from chemical fertilizer plants which use natural gas as material, a comparative test among the efficiencies of MBR, ABFT and BAF on COD, NH3-N and nitrate nitrogen removal was carried out. The results of the test showed that, the effluent NH3-N concentration from the above three processes treatment were lower than 10 mg/L, which met the design demand; the effluent COD concentration from MBR and BAF treatment were lower than 30 mg/L, also met the demand; however, the mass concentration of COD in the effluent water from ABFT treatment exceeded the discharge standard. The removal rates of nitrate nitrogen by the said three processes were not high and the nitrogen removal were not thorough. The test could provide technical reference for engineering design.
Industrial Water & Wastewater