
蒸汽爆破木质纤维原料的乙醇脱毒研究 被引量:5

Detoxification of Steam-exploded Lignocellulosic Material by Ethanol Extraction
摘要 以乙醇为溶剂,采用抽提的方法去除蒸汽爆破玉米秸秆中的甲酸、乙酸、糠醛及羟甲基糠醛等抑制物,比较了动态和静态两种不同的抽提方法对抑制物和糖的抽提效果,考察了温度、固液比和时间等因素对不同条件下乙醇静态抽提效果的影响。以总抑制物抽提率/总糖抽提率为评价指标,通过正交试验,对温度、固液比、时间3个因素在不同水平下的乙醇静态抽提效果进行直观分析和方差分析,确定了乙醇静态抽提的最佳试验条件为:温度80℃,固液比1∶10(g∶mL),抽提时间60 min。在最佳试验条件下,两种最重要的抑制物甲酸和乙酸的抽提率分别达到84%和98%。 Inhibitors such as formic acid, acetic acid, furfural and HMF in the steam-exploded corn stover had been removed by ethanol extraction. The extraction efficiencies of inhibitors and sugars between dynamic extraction and static extraction were compared. Meanwhile, the effects of temperature, solid to liquid ratio and time on extraction efficiency in the course of static ethanol extraction had also been investigated. Based upon the results of analysis of variance of orthogonal experiment, using the ratio of total inhihitors extraction rate to total sugars extraction rate as evaluation index, the optimum experiment conditions for static ethanol extraction were obtained with the temperature 80 ℃, solid to liquid ratio 1 : 10( g: mL) and extraction time 60 min. Under the optimum conditions, the extraction rates of the two most important inhibitors, namely formic acid and acetic acid, were up to 84 % and 98 % ,respectively.
出处 《林产化学与工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期22-26,共5页 Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20876078) 国家863计划资助(2006AA020103 2006AA02Z240)
关键词 蒸汽爆破 玉米秸秆 抑制物 乙醇抽提 脱毒 steam explosion corn stover inhibitor ethanol extraction detoxification
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