

Interpreting Emerson's Dialectics from the Daoist Perspective
摘要 美国学术界对爱默生作品中蕴含的东方元素大多采取回避的态度,他们仅仅从西方人的视角解释,而不是把他的作品作为永恒的智慧范本来解读,因此,学术界对爱默生辩证哲学体现出的复杂性、神秘性以及实用性解释含糊不清。本文认为,爱默生的辩证思想不重视分析性的思辨,因而显得缺少系统性,但它侧重于生活艺术和智慧,因而具有实践功能,这与中国老子的辩证法十分近似。本文拟从中国道家的视角来解释爱默生辩证思想的复杂性和实用性。 American critics note and explain dialects in Emerson but avoid or neglect the oriental elements in Emerson as they just interpret Emerson' s thoughts in terms of intellectual context rather than regard them as examples of living wisdom beyond words. Thus, scholarly reception of Emerson is still equivocal, leaving Emerson a figure who is half read. This paper tries to interpret complexity and practicality from the Daoist perspective and conclude that"dialects in Emerson do not follow the analytical method in traditional western philosophical line but adopt the flexible balanced way with multiple perspectives that is congenial to Laozi ' s treatment of opposites.
作者 汪冷
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期111-117,共7页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 爱默生 老子 辩证法 哲学 自然 Emerson Laozi dialectics philosophy nature
  • 相关文献


  • 1Hamld Bloom. Modem Critical Interpretations : Emerson' s Essays, ed. and With an Introductions by Harold Bloom. Chelsea House, 2006,p. 162.
  • 2爱默生.《爱默生散文选》,姚暨荣译,百花文艺出版1995年版,第39、50、51、53、54、50、63、30、220页.
  • 3Roger T. Ames and David L. alHHH Hall, Daodejing "Making This Life Significant" - A Philosophical Translation. The Ballantine Publishing Group, New York, chapter 2003, p. 79, p. 79, p.167, p.101, p.147.
  • 4Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Complete Writings, Vol. I., New York: WM.H.WISE&CO., 1929, p.221, p.263, p.15, p.340, p.373, p.371, p.373, p.1250.
  • 5Barbara L. Packer, Emerson' s Fall : A New Interpretation of the Major Essays. New York: Continuum Press. 1982, p. 133.
  • 6Richard Poirier. The Renewal of Literature: Emerson Reflection. U. S:Yale University Press. 1988, p. 11.
  • 7Robert E. Burholder and Joel Myerson ed.. Critical Essays on Ralph Waldo Emerson. G.K. Hall&Co. Boston. Massachusetts. 1983, p. 352.
  • 8Michael Lope. Emerson and Power. Northern Illinois University Press. 1996, p.114.








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