1Sandra Acker. Gendered Education. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1994:3-5.
2Donn. G.. Feminist Approaches to the Curriculum. In: Saha, L J. (ed). International Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Education. New . York: Pergamon, 1997:130- 134.
3Julia Wrigley. Gender and Education in Welfare State. In:Education and Gender Equality, The Faimer Press. 1992:5 - 8.
4George S. Morrison. Teaching in America. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2003:142.
5Gady Weiner. Feminisms in Education. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1994. 76- 85.
7J. B. Whyte. Genderbiasinschools: thecontroversialissues. In: J. Weilingron. Controversial Issuesin the Curriculum. Oxford: BasilBiackwell, 1986:60.
9Morrow R A, Torres C A. Social Theory and Education: ACritique of Theories of Social and Cultural Reproduction. New York: State University of New York Press, 1995:392.
10See Donn G. Feminist Approach to the Curriculum. In: Saha, L. J. (ed). International Encyclopedia of the Sociology of the Sociology of Education. New York: Pergamon, 1997:132.
6Donn,G.(1997),Feminist Apcroaches to the Curriculum . In: Saha, L J. (1997)(ed.).Internalional Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Education . Pergamon. P.130.138.
7Morrow,R A. & Torres,C A.( 1995),Social Theory and Education: A Critique of Theories of Social and Cultural Rertoduction. New Yorlc State University of New York Press.p.392.
8Arnot M.(1982),Male Hegemony,Social Class,and Women's Eduction. In: Stone,L.(1994) (ed.),The Education Feminism Reader New York : Rouledge.10.97.98.
9Donn,G.(1997),Feminist Apcroaches to the Curriculum. In: Saha, L.J. (1997)(ed.),Intemational Encvclopedia of the Sociology,v of Education. Pergamon.P.130.138.
10Morrow,R.A. & Torres,C.A.( 1995),Social Theory and Education:A Critique of Theories of Social and Cultural Reproduction. New Yorlc State Universitv of New York Press.p.392.