5Dewey, John. Significance of the School Education [ M]. Reprinted in The middle works, 1899 - 1924. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press. vol. 1. 274, 274-275.
6Cremin, Lawrence A. The Transformation of the School [ M]. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961. 100.
7Dewey, John. The Relation of Theory to Practice in Education [ M ]. Reprinted in The middle works, 1899 - 1924. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press. vol. 1. 250, 271, 269, 271, 255.
8Dewey, John. Professional Spirit among Teachers [ M ]. Reprinted in The middle works, 1899 - 1924. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press. vol. 7. 109 - 112.