Reviewing LanguageSea Sail - Wang Xijie language Essays, written Dy wang Xijie anu edited by Zhu Feng from the point of the headlines, we may summariz in five realization: 1. accuracy and relevance; 2. an unusual word art technology; 3. unfamiliar technology and modest nature; 4. rhythm and meaning; 5. Illocutionary meaning and author's intentions. " Language sea" , though it is not specifically with regard to journalism but to a set of linguistic work, it is the production of many news headlines talking about the issue and to carry out linguistic perspective on the wonderful analysis, to some extent make up for the news title produce a theatrical or lack of monographs, and so on. Especially in the news headlines success and failure analysis is thorough, original, and people know these and know why. " Language sea" for the news headlines for the producers is very useful.
News Headline
Wang Xijie Language Essay
Positive and Negative Deviation