乔姆斯基的最简方案旨在揭示语言本质。基于此目的,该文运用HAVE分解法,以HAVE范式作为个案研究,尝试发现一类特殊的表层结构可以简化为一个底层结构与一些独立的原则相互作用。通过探讨HAVE的各类用法和特性,归纳出普遍语法(UG)的独立原则,进而用于解释其它语言的相关语言现象。研究发现:HAVE范式的所有结构都是按照同一句法推导过程P+BE而形成的,其差异仅仅在于PP(prepositional phrase)中的限定语究竟由什么成分充当,同时还受到语义学和语用学相关原则规则的制约。
The primary goal of Minimalist Program is an explanation of language phenomena and unveiling of the nature of language.The paper is a case study of HAVE paradigm with the aid of decompositional approach to HAVE,discovering that a certain variety of surface structures is reducible to the interaction of a single underlying structure and independently established principles.It will shed light on other languages in this respect,thereby reducing to independently established principles of Universal Grammar,by dealing with the variety of uses and the properties of the verb HAVE in English.The primary finding is that all HAVE constructions have essentially the same structural derivation corresponding to P+BE,and the main difference lies in that HAVE has different substructures as the specifier of PP complement,combined with semantic and pragmatic constraints.
Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University
Logical Form(LF)
decompositional approach to HAVE
unified analysis