

Analysis of the homology of the acid-resistant gene ffh in streptococcus sanguis and streptpcoccus mutans
摘要 目的根据耐酸相关基因ffh同源性高的特点,检测血链球菌中是否存在耐酸相关基因ffh,并对血链球菌和变形链球菌的同源性进行分析。方法厌氧培养变形链球菌和血链球菌,碱裂解法提取细菌基因组,根据GenBank基因库上发表的各种属ffh基因序列,从最保守区设计一对聚合酶链反应(PCR)引物,钓取基因,进行PCR。结果在以变形链球菌和血链球菌基因组为模板的PCR中,所获得的特异性片段与预期结果一致。结论血链球菌中存在耐酸相关基因ffh,且血链球菌和变形链球菌耐酸相关基因ffh同源性高。 Objective To detect the gene ffh in streptococcus sanguis,and to analyze the homology of ffh between streptococcus sanguis and streptococcus mutans. Methods Streptococcus sanguis and streptococcus mutans were cultured in anaerobic atmosphere and the genome was obtained by the alkaline method.A pair of primers were designed in the most reserved region of the sequences from GenBank database in order to obtain the unique polymerase chain reaction products.Results The unique product was found and obtained in streptococcus sanguis and streptococcus mutans.Conclusions The gene ffh could be acquired from streptococcus sanguis,and the homology of the acid-resistant gene ffh in streptococcus sanguis and streptococcus mutans is high.
出处 《实用老年医学》 CAS 2010年第1期64-65,共2页 Practical Geriatrics
关键词 耐酸相关基因 FFH 同源性 聚合酶链反应 acid-resistant gene ffh homotology polymerase chain reaction
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