
1996例老年护理医院住院患者疾病谱及死因分析 被引量:6

Disease spectra and causes of death in a nursing home: analysis of 1996 elderly inpatients
摘要 目的了解老年护理医院住院患者主要疾病谱及死因构成。方法收集2006年~2008年住院1996例老年病例计算患病率及死因的构成比并进行排序。结果前十位疾病构成比依次为高血压病(52.6%)、冠心病(49.8%)、脑梗死后遗症(38.3%)、老年性痴呆(21.3%)、肺部感染(19.3%)、2型糖尿病(18.9%)、前列腺增生症(31.14%)、尿路感染(15.4%)、恶性肿瘤(6.9%)、慢性肾功能不全(4.2%)。死亡率前五位疾病排列依次为冠心病(58.1%)、肺部感染(17.5%)、慢性阻塞性肺疾病(7.4%)、恶性肿瘤(5.5%)、尿毒症(1.8%)。结论老年护理医院住院患者的疾病谱及主要死因的结果,为老年专科护理医院如何提高医疗护理质量,制订有效治疗护理对策,提供参考依据。 Objective To investigate the composition of disease spectra and causes of death of inpatients in nursing homes. Methods Mortality and causes of death were analyzed and sequenced based on the medical records of 1996 inpatients who were admitted in this nursing home between 2007 and 2008. Results The first 10 diseases were hypertension (52.6%), coronary heart disease (49.8%), cerebral infarction sequelae (38.3%), Alzheimer's disease (21.3%), pulmonary infection (19.3%), diabetes mellitus (18.9%), prostatic hyperplasia (31.14%), urinary infection (15.4%), malignancies (6.9%), and chronic renal failure (4.2%). The first five leading causes of death were coronary heart disease (58.1%), pulmonary infection ( 17.5 %), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (7.4 % ), malignancies (5.5 %) and uremia (1. g % ). Conclusion The disease spectra and causes of death obtained in this study may provide useful clues for formulating effective nursing policies and strategies for the sake of improving the quality of nursing care in nursing homes.
出处 《老年医学与保健》 CAS 2010年第1期46-47,共2页 Geriatrics & Health Care
关键词 老年人 疾病谱 死因 构成比 Aged Disease spectrum Cause of death Constituent ratio
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