In the near infrared band (λλ8000 to 8725A), the spectra of 10 S-type symbiotic stars and 27 K-M type comparison stars have been observed with a moderate dispertion of 33Amm-1, the resolving power signal to noise raho S/N> 100. The triple-headed absorphon band of TiO (λλ8432, 8422 and 8452A)emerges when the star is later than Mi, we measured the depth of the TiO absorption band, it's very sensihve to the temperature (i.e.spectral type)and unsensihve to the gravity (i. e. luminosity class), we fit a curve of the spectral type against the absorption depth of TiO with σ = 0.22 of a subtype. The spectral types of the six symbiohc stars which include a giant later than M2 have been classifled. We also measured the EW of the infrared CaII triplet (λλ8498, 8542, 8662A ) and many Fe I, Ti I, Na I lines in this band, and found out that the IR triplet of CaII is sensihve to luminosity, so is the Fi I, Ti l, the Na I is rqahvely insensihve, simultaneously, the EW of line also changes with the spectral type of star, even when the star is later than M3. So we must consider both effects. Based on the quantity measurement and the comparision to the standard stars, the luminosity classes of 10 symbiohc stars have been given. All the ten bright symbiohc stars are class III giant none of them presentS the features of bnght giant or supergiant. A simple discussion is also made.
Acta Astronomica Sinica
symbiotic star, near infrared spectrum, spectral classification