Objective To explore factors associated with prognosis in patients with acute subddural hematoma ( ASDH ). Methods The preoperative and postoperative data of 256 patients in our hospital who underwent surgi- cal intervention for traumatic ASDH were reviewed. The related factors of prognosis were analyzed by using multiva- riate logistic regression analysis. Results Functional recovery was achieved in 42.2% of patients and the overall mortality was 39.8%. Age, pupillary abnormality, preoperative GCS score, and intraoperative acute brain swelling ( ABS } were independent predictors for functional recovery. And preoperative pupillary abnormality, GCS score, and intraoperative ABS were independent predictors for mortality. Midline shift thickness, volume of hematoma,operation time following injury showed no independent association with functional recovery, although these variables were cor- related with functional recovery in univariate analyses. Conclusion Functional recovery is more likely to be a- chieved in patients who are under 40 years old, and have preoperative reactive pupils, higher GCS score and the absence of ABS during surgery.
Journal of Traumatic Surgery
brain injury
subdural hematoma
brain swelling