
不同被毛颜色羊驼皮肤组织中成熟黑色素细胞的组织学分析 被引量:16

Histochemical Study on the Distribution of Mature Melanocytes in Skin of Alpaca(Lama pacos) with Different Coat Colors
摘要 羊驼是已知家养动物中天然被毛颜色最为丰富的动物之一,本研究旨在在组织水平上观察不同被毛颜色羊驼皮肤组织中成熟黑色素细胞的分布与定位,以揭示羊驼丰富被毛颜色发生的细胞学机制。试验选择白色被毛和有色被毛成年羊驼各1头,盛毛期体侧取样,制备石蜡切片,分别采用多巴染色、甲苯胺蓝染色及多巴—甲苯胺蓝复染,光镜观察、拍照。结果表明,在不同被毛颜色羊驼皮肤组织中均有成熟黑色素细胞的分布,但是分布规律不同,在有色被毛皮肤组织主要分布于毛根成形部,在毛根永久部及表皮也有分布,但是数量较少;白色被毛组织主要分布于表皮,在毛根成形部分布很少,而在真皮部及毛根永久部有少量分布。结果提示:1)羊驼不同被毛颜色发生取决于毛根成形部成熟黑色素细胞的数量;2)从一个侧面佐证了毛囊黑色素细胞与皮肤黑色素细胞在执行功能以及它们所接受的调节信号是不同的。 Alpaca(Lama pacos) is one of the domestic animals with the most abundant coat colors.This experiment was conducted to observe the distribution of mature melanocytes in skin of alpacas with different coat colors,hope to explain the cytologic basis for coat color genesis of alpaca.Tissue samples were surgically seperated from two mature alpacas,one with natural white coat color and one with pigmented coat color,at full-hairing stage.Paraffin sections were prepared conventionally.Dopa staining,toluidine blue staining and dopa-toluidine blue staining were excuted to obtain the visible information about hair follicles and mature melanocytes distribution.The results showed that the mature melanocytes distributed both in skin with natural white and pigmented coat color.But the melanocytes distribution showed significantly regional difference.In pigmented coat color skin,the mature melanocytes distributed at the transient portion of hair root,a few in permanent portion of hair root and epidermis.In natural white coat color skin,the mature melanocytes mainly distributed in epidermis,a little in transient portion and a few in permanent portion of hair root.These results indicated that: 1) The coat colors genesis of alpacas is determined by the amounts of mature melanocytes distributed in transient portion of hair root.2) The mature melanocytes distributed in hair follicles or epidermis execute different function and could ascribe different endo-regulation system.
出处 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期229-233,共5页 ACTA VETERINARIA ET ZOOTECHNICA SINICA
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30571070 30671512)
关键词 羊驼 被毛颜色发生 多巴—甲苯胺蓝染色 成熟黑色素细胞 毛根成形部 alpaca coat color genesis dopa-toluidine blue staining mature melanocytes hair root transient portion
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