Objective :To investigate the clinic pathological features of spindle cell tumor with thymus - like differ- entiation. Methods:To report a 67 year - old male with thyroid spindle cell tumor with thymus - like differentiation (SETI'LE), and evaluate the histo -morphologic, immunophenotypic and its clinical features. Results:Gross total resection of the tumor revealed a grayish - white tumor with a volume of 4.5cm× 3.5cm × 2cm,which had a clear boundary. Histologically, the tumor was composed of bundles of spindle cells showed thymic or typical branchial pouch differentiation. And the immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that the tumor cells were immunoreaetive to Kera- tin and EMA. Conclusion:Spindle cell with thymuslike differentiation (SETYLE) is a very rare thyroid tumor, and the clinical manifestation were normally a painless lump in the neck. The histology, immunohistochemical results should be in use for its diagnosis. The tumor should be distinguished from thyroid undiferentiated carcinoma, synovial sarcoma,papillary carcinoma of the thyroid,etc.
Journal of Modern Oncology