
爆炸荷载下土石坝动力响应特征的数值模拟 被引量:18

Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Response of an Earth and Rock-fill Dam to a Blast Loading
摘要 土石坝在爆炸荷载下的力学响应是一个非常复杂的力学问题,相关研究甚少。在LS-DYNA软件框架内,以两河口土石坝为研究对象,把坝体材料简化为混凝土、心墙、反滤层与堆石体等4种,用500 kg TNT在坝顶接触爆炸时的瞬态荷载作为荷载源,针对不同材料建立适合于爆炸高加载率特征的本构模型,用数值方法分析了土石坝在潜在爆炸荷载下的破坏与损伤演化规律。结果表明,在爆炸荷载作用下,由于土石坝材料组成的多样性,应力波传播规律异常复杂,土石坝的力学响应呈现出显著的分区特征。 It is a very complicated problem to research the mechanic response of an earth and rock-fill dam to a blast loading.So far,the relative achievements are not enough to solve the problem.In this paper,a numerical simulation of Lianghekou earth and rock-fill dam to a blast loading has been carried out.The materials of the dam are classified as concrete,core-wall,inverted filtering layer and rock-fill,for which different constitutive relations were used in the simulation to account for the effects of high loading rates.The simulation has been completed in the frame of LS-DYNA.The fracture and damage processes have been simulated using the numerical method.The results show that the phenomenon of stress wave propagation is very complicated because of diversity of dam materials,fracture and damage presented in the dam,and its distinctively divisional characteristics.
出处 《防灾减灾工程学报》 CSCD 2010年第1期10-16,共7页 Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering
基金 国家杰出青年科学基金项目(50825901) 水文资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室专项研究基金项目(2009586112)资助
关键词 土石坝 爆炸荷载 高加载率 LS-DYNA软件 数值模拟 earth and rock-fill dam blast loading high loading rate LS-DYNA numerical simulation
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