

Mental Health Survey of People Living in Shuangliu Temporary Settlement from Wen-chuan Great Earthquake-stricken Areas
摘要 [目的]了解地震后灾区群众的心理卫生状况.为开展其他危机事件及突发公共事件心理援助工作提供依据。[方法]2008年5月16~30日,对双流县黄龙溪临时安置点内128名来自地震灾区的群众开展心理卫生状况调查。[结果]调查128人,心理卫生状况良好的占36.72%,有轻度心理问题的占33.69%,有中度心理问题的占24.22%.有严重心理问题的占5.47%。存在心理问题者所占比例,男性为55.74%,女性为70.15%(P〉0.05);4~18岁、19~30岁、31~60岁、61~84岁的分别为53.33%、45.45%、73.85%、54.55%(P〉0.05),其中31~60岁高于其他年龄人群(52.38%)(P〈0.05);有亲属丧失者为90.53%,无亲属丧失者为54.17%(P〈0.01)。[结论]地震后灾区群众多数存在心殚问题.青壮年和有亲属丧失者尤为严首。 [Objective]To flnd out the mental health status of residents survived from earthquake disaster, and to lay the foundation for psychological asstance to other critical incidents and emergency public cvenrs. [Methods]Using questionmaires ioinvestigate medical status of 128 people who came from the carthqunke-stricken areas and living Huanglongxi temporary settlement it Shuangliu county from 16 th to 30 th May. [Results]There arc 4 leveis to evaluate the mental health status of 128 people,namely "good" level(36.72 ,mild leve1(33. 59%),moderate level(24. 22%),severe level(5.47% ). The proportion of those who ha,,e mental problcm,according to the gender, male was 55.74 ,%, female was 70. 15%( P 〉0.05) ;according to the age, it can be classificd by four group,4-18,19-30 ,31-60 and 61-84 years old, and the proportion was 53. 33 %, 45.45 %, 73.85 %. 54.55 5% ( P 〉0.05) respectively, the people aged from 31-60 was higher than o,her aged group; 90. ,53% of those whose relatives died in the disaster has psychological problems, compared 54.17% of those whose relatives still alive( P 〈0.01 ). [Concluslon]Most of the people had psychological problems in earthquake disaster areas, especially young and middle-aged people and the people whose relatives died in the disaster.
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2010年第2期112-114,共3页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
关键词 地震 灾区 心理卫生 调查 Earthquake Disaster area Mental health Survey
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