
子痫前期胎盘浅着床理论的研究进展 被引量:3

The progress of study on incomplete trophoblastic invasion and Pre-eclampsia
摘要 目前多数学者认为子痫前期发病的根本原因是滋养细胞浸润能力受损,子宫螺旋动脉重铸障碍,致胎盘浅着床。由于功能异常的胎盘释放到母体循环中的一些因子所引起,如氧诱导因子1α、血管生长因子、胎盘生长因子、可溶性血管生长因子受体-1、神经激肽B、合体滋养细胞层微绒毛膜等,其相关因子的表达及含量异常,在子痫前期的发生、形成、发展中起关键作用,研究这些因子有助于子痫前期疾病的研究、预防及治疗。 At present most scholars considered the major pathogenic reason of preeclampsia was related to lower invading activity of trophoblastic cell, dusfunction of the uterine spiral arterioles reconstruction, which would result in incomplete placenta invasion. The dysfunctional placent produced a number of important cytokines to the maternal serum, which would activate or injure endothelial cells, such as Hypoxia - inducible facttor - 1α, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Placental growth factor, Soluble Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor - 1, Neurokinin, Syncytiotrophoblast microvillous membrane and so on. The abnormality of the expression and quantity of cytokine would play an important role in the course of pre - eclampsia. These correlated cytokines was helpful for research, precaution and therapy on pre - eclampsia.
作者 李玮 王冬梅
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2010年第1期137-138,109,共3页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 子痫前期 滋养细胞浸润异常 细胞因子 Pre - eclampsia Incomplete trophoblastic invasion Cytokine
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