2[6]WERNER Z HIRSCH. Law and Economics: An introductory Analysis ( 3rded. ) [ M]. Academic Press , 1999
3[7]FRANK ESTER BROOK. Insider Trading, Secret Agents,Evidentiary Privileges, and the Production of Information [R]. Supreme Court Review[ C ]. USA: 1981. 323-326.
4[8]STEPHEN BAINBRIDGE. The Insider Trading Prohibition:A Legal and Economic Enigma [ R ]. 38 University Florida Law Review [C]. USA: 1986.35.
5贺绍奇. 内幕交易的法律透视[M]. 北京: 人民法院出版社, 2000. 157.
7See Henry Manne. Insider Trading and Stock Market[M]. pp93-110. pp131 - 145(1966).
9See Jacqueline A. C. Suter. The Regulation of Insider Dealing in Britain[M]. Butterworths, London and Edinburgh. p32(1989).
10See Henry Manne. Insider Trading and Stock Market[M]. p115(1966).