
现代中国语境中的“马克思”与“孔夫子”(上)--兼论传统的人文维度及其意义 被引量:7

"Marx" and "Confucius" in the Context of Contemporary China:Concurrently Discussion of the Humanistic Dimension of Tradition and Its Significances (Part I)
摘要 Today, "Marx" is acting as the most incontrovertible symbol of the new ideology on Chinese Mainland, and "Confucius" is being thought highly by the official and the folk again. The coexistence of Marx and Confucius means some sort of compromise between modernism and tradition. Actually, even in the last century’s counter-tradition period, the Chinese still did not walk out of the tradition. The sinicization of Marxism must depend on the apparent or subtle influence of Confucianism. Even if the tradition is being most universally propagated, it still can not be absolutely dominant. Looking at the actual China, we can see that, besides the theme consisting of Marxism and Confucius, the western liberalism and various religions, which are both from the mainland and abroad, are playing important roles too. It just shows that China is becoming a modern country and will keep its own cultural characteristics chronically. In the "post-tradition" society, tradition is still playing an import role. Today, 'Marx' is acting as the most incontrovertible symbol of the new ideology on Chinese Mainland, and 'Confucius' is being thought highly by the official and the folk again. The coexistence of Marx and Confucius means some sort of compromise between modernism and tradition. Actually, even in the last century’s counter-tradition period, the Chinese still did not walk out of the tradition. The sinicization of Marxism must depend on the apparent or subtle influence of Confucianism. Even if the tradition is being most universally propagated, it still can not be absolutely dominant. Looking at the actual China, we can see that, besides the theme consisting of Marxism and Confucius, the western liberalism and various religions, which are both from the mainland and abroad, are playing important roles too. It just shows that China is becoming a modern country and will keep its own cultural characteristics chronically. In the 'post-tradition' society, tradition is still playing an import role.
作者 张曙光
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期23-29,共7页 Philosophical Research
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  • 1《郭沫若全集》,1985年,人民文学出版社.
  • 2《贾谊论》,1976年,上海人民出版社.
  • 3《鲁迅选集》,1983年,人民出版社.
  • 4.《马克思恩格斯全集》[M].人民出版社,1956年、2002年..
  • 5.《马克思恩格斯选集》[M].人民出版社,1995年..
  • 6司马迁.《史记·郦生陆贾列传》.北京:中华书局,1959年,第2699页.
  • 7王中江等选编.1999年.《新青年》,中州古籍出版社.
  • 8.《严复集》[M].中华书局,1986年版.第11页.












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