
绿僵菌与椰甲截脉姬小蜂对椰心叶甲的协同控制作用 被引量:9

Control of Brontispa longissima by Metarhizium anisopliae and Asecodes hispinarum
摘要 在室内条件下,研究了金龟子绿僵菌小孢变种Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae侵染和椰甲截脉姬小蜂Asecodes hispinarum寄生两种生防措施之间的相互影响,并对两种措施协同控制椰心叶甲Brontispa longissima的效果进行了评价。结果表明,绿僵菌菌株HK4对椰甲截脉姬小蜂成虫安全;但绿僵菌侵染使姬小蜂对椰心叶甲的寄生率显著降低。在先接种绿僵菌后接入姬小蜂的情况下,椰甲截脉姬小蜂对椰心叶甲的寄生率仅为10.23%,显著低于其单独寄生的寄生率79.55%;绿僵菌对椰心叶甲的侵染率为96.59%,高于绿僵菌单独处理的侵染率84.09%,但不显著。而在先接蜂后接种绿僵菌的处理中,绿僵菌对椰心叶甲的侵染率仅为69.09%,显著低于绿僵菌单独处理。对椰心叶甲的生测结果显示,先接种绿僵菌再接入姬小蜂、先姬小蜂寄生再接种绿僵菌、同时接种绿僵菌和接入姬小蜂3种处理的校正死亡率分别为100%、100%、98.86%,显著高于绿僵菌单独侵染和姬小蜂单独寄生。 Interaction between Metarhizium anisopliae var.anisopliae and Asecodes hispinarum when applied simultaneously to control Brontispa longissima was investigated in the lab,and the efficacy of two strategies above was determined.Results showed that M.anisopliae strain HK4 was safe to the adults of A.hispinarum, while when B.longissima was infected by M.anisopliae at 5×106 conidia/ml ahead,the parasite rate of A.hispinarum decreased sharply from 79.55% to 10.23%.On the other hand,the infection rate of M.anisopliae to B.longissima was also affected by A.hispinarum to some extent,but not significantly.When inoculating firstly with M.anisopliae and then treated with A.hispinarum(96.59%),it was slightly more than that only inoculating with M.anisopliae(84.09%),but when B.longissima was parasitised firstly by A.hispinarum,the infection rate of M.anisopliae was only 69.09%.And the bioassay results showed that when M.anisopliae strain HK4 and A.hispinarum were applied together,its efficacy was about 20% more than that of each strategy used alone.
出处 《中国生物防治》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期30-34,共5页 Chinese Journal of Biological Control
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题(2006BAD08A18)
关键词 绿僵菌 椰甲截脉姬小蜂 椰心叶甲 生物防治 Metarhizium anisopliae var.anisopliae Asecodes hispinarum Brontispa longissima biological control
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