
辽宁省自然灾害财政补偿的问题与对策 被引量:2

Problem and Countermeasures of Fiscal Compensation of Natural Disasters in Liaoning Province
摘要 辽宁省自然条件复杂、灾害种类多样、发生频率高、突发性强,是中国自然灾害频发的省份之一,各种类型的自然灾害所造成的损失极大地制约着辽宁省经济社会的发展和建设。由于灾害治理的公共性、公益性特点,政府的财政补偿在灾害治理中的基础性地位显得更加突出。本文以辽宁省自然灾害财政补偿问题为研究对象,总结了1978年以来全省自然灾害及财政补偿概况,借鉴一些发达国家在应对自然灾害时的有益经验和做法,针对目前辽宁省自然灾害财政补偿中存在的问题,提出了相应的政策建议。 The Complexity of natural condition and variable,frequent and sudden disasters make Liaoning one of the province with frequent natural and social disasters in China.The loss of disaster extremely impedes the development and construction of Liaoning's economy.The treatment of disaster has the nature of public benefit,which makes government fiscal compensation outstanding in disaster treatment.Fiscal compensation of natural disaster in Liaoning province is discussed in this paper,including natural disasters happened since 1978 and their fiscal compensation,experience of developed countries dealing with natural disasters,and policy advice to solve the problem of fiscal subsidies of natural disaster.
出处 《东北财经大学学报》 2010年第1期35-40,共6页 Journal of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
基金 辽宁省社会科学规划基金课题(L08DJY075) 辽宁省财政科研基金课题(07B004)
关键词 自然灾害 灾害治理 财政补偿 Disaster treatment fiscal compensation practice mode
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