
医院护理工作者亚健康状态的原因浅析 被引量:2

Hospital care worker Asia healthy condition reason brief analysis week static
摘要 目的:对延安市某医院护理工作者亚健康状态的现状进行分析并且探讨其主要的影响因素,提出相应的解决措施。而且希望通过本文章使广大的护理工作者能对自己的健康状况引起重视,同时为延安市医务工作者的健康保健提供科学依据;方法:采用自行设计的调查问卷开展调查。以延安市某医院的317名一线护理工作者作为研究对象;结果:延安市某医院一线医务工作者的亚健康发生率是67.7%,以30岁以下和30~39岁的年龄段的发生率为最高。职称的不同亚健康的发生率也是不一样的,不一样的学历有不一样的亚健康状态;结论:医务工作者的亚健康状态与工作压力和生活习惯有很大关系,应该通过适当的运动改变当前的健康状态,否则就会成为患者。 Objective: Carries on to the Yah'an some hospital care worker Asia healthy condition's present situation analyzes and discusses its main influencing factor, proposes the corresponding solution measure. Moreover hoped that enables the general nursing worker through this article to bring to the attention to own state of health, simultaneously provides the scientific basis for the Yenan medical worker's healthy health care. Method: Uses questionnaire development investigation which independently designs. Nurses the worker by Yanhn some hospital's 317 to take the object of study. Resuh:A Yanhn some hospital medical worker's Asian healthy formation rate is 67.7%, take 30 years old below and 30 -39 year- old age section's formation rate as highest. The title different Asian heahh's formation rate is also is dissimilar, the dissimilar school record has the dissimilar Asian healthy condition. Conclusion: Medical worker's Asian healthy condition and the working pressure and the habits and customs have the very big relations, should through the suitable movement change current healthy condition, will otherwise become the patient.
作者 周静 屈义芳
出处 《医学信息(中旬刊)》 2010年第2期380-382,共3页 Medical Information Operations Sciences Fascicule
关键词 亚健康状态 职业紧张 疲劳 工作能力 生活习惯 Asian healthy condition The occupation is intense Weary Working ability Habits and customs
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