On the occlusive surfaces of extracted molars, 1mm and 2mm slopes of cavity margins were designed respectively, and four kinds of angles of cavity margins (45°,70°,90°and arc)were filled ,the cavities were filled with 3M Z100 resin and Spectrum TM resin. After the experiment of micro leakage with 5% eosin dye, the teeth were cut open, the permeation of the dye were observed. The results showed that the dye permeation of 1mm slope was less than that of 2mm slope in the same angles of cavity margins, the dye permeation of 70° cavity margin was the least in the same slope. For other angles , the sequence was 45°,arc and 90°. The study emphasised that the preparation of cavity margin which benefits the fixing of resin fillings was important, in order to improve the quality of the restoration with resin.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology