
“工具性”色彩的淡化:一种新健康观的生成与实践 以绍兴醴村为例 被引量:8

Devaluing the "Instrumental" Approach:Formation and Practice of a "New Concept on Health":Village Li in Shaoxing
摘要 国内学术界目前还鲜有以医学社会学作为理论视角来探讨当下的医疗、疾病与健康问题。本文基于长三角一个村庄的调查材料,试图从医学社会学角度来讨论当地村民从新中国成立前至今"健康观"的变迁过程。通过新旧健康观的描述与对比,文章主要考察了新健康观变化的内容与动力。村民日益赋予健康以一种崇高的价值,健康观中原有的"工具性"色彩正逐渐淡化。由现代化过程所带来的经济发展与生活水平的提高是新健康观生成的最大动力,而国家在其中的直接作用则非常微小。本文认为,健康观是观察现代化的一个角度,也是考察国家与农民关系的一个新窗口。 There has been little research in China's academia on medicine, diseases, and health from the perspective of medical sociology. Based on the data from a village located in the Yangzi River Delta Region, this research attempted to discuss the change in the villagers ' views on health from pre-liberation to date. By describing and comparing the old and new concept on health, this paper focuses on the contents of the change and the drive behind the change. The villagers have increasingly attached a high value to health and devalued the instrumental approach. The economic development and raised living standards brought about by modernization are the most important drive for the formation of the new concept on health, whereas the state has played only a tiny role. The paper concludes that views on health can serve as an angle to look at modernization as well as a new window through which state-peasant relationships can be studied.
作者 姚泽麟
出处 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期178-204,共27页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
关键词 健康观 现代化 国家“制造”健康“恢复”健康 concept on health, modernization, the State, "manufacturing" health, "recovering" health
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