对27名放置宫内节育器(21例不锈钢金属环,6例 Vcu 环)和16名未置器健康妇女,采用 ELISA 法进行宫颈粘液 TNF-α的检测。结果表明:置器组宫颈粘液 TNF-α浓度为70.91±46.42pg/ml,未置器组为10.86±9.61pg/ml,置器组显著高于未置器组(P<0.01)。置 Vcu 环妇女与置不锈钢金属环妇女相比,宫颈粘液TNF-α有增高的趋势。但置器后月经量增加与宫颈粘液 TNF-α的浓度无相关性。结果提示,放置宫内节育器后生殖道局部 TNF-α分泌增加可能是宫内节育器的避孕机理之一。
Objective To investigate the concentrations of TNF-α in cervical mucus in women with IUD.Methods The concentrations of TNF-α in cervical mucus were measured by enzyme link immune absorbent assay (ELISA) in 43 normal women,among them 27 women with IUD (21 stainless steel ring,6 Vcu IUD),16 without IUD as control.Results The concentrations of TNF-α in cervical mucus were 70.91+46.42pg/ml in IUD group,10.86+9.61pg/ml in control group.The difference had a statistically significant (P<0.01).The concentrations of TNF-α seemed higher in women with Vcu IUD thatn in stainless steel ring,but no statistical difference (P>0.05).There was no correlation between the concentrations of TNF-α in cervical mucus and menstrual blood loss in stainless steel ring group.Conclusion IUD inserted in uterus may affect the immune system of local genital tract, increased TNF-α which as a mediator effect all levels of reproductive process might be one of the contraceptive mechanisms of IUD.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Secondae Shanghai