
21世纪低碳经济发展潮流与道路选择 被引量:4

On Choosing Low-Carbon Economy as Trend and Orientation of Economy Development in 21st Century
摘要 人类社会正在面临有史以来最严重的气候变化困境。发达国家工业化进程中大量排放的二氧化碳等温室气体,导致全球气候变暖,给社会经济可持续发展带来巨大的负面影响。低碳经济是以低能耗、低污染、低排放为基础的经济发展新模式。发展低碳经济、减少二氧化碳排放是应对全球气候变化的有效途径。我国正处于重要的历史发展时期,转变经济发展模式,调整产业结构,优化能源配置,选择低碳经济发展道路,将为我国在全球新一轮经济竞争中赢得发展的先机。 The human society is facing the most serious dilemma of climate change. In the process of industrialization in developed countries, a large number of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have resulted in global warming, making a huge negative impact on the sustainable social economy development. Low-carbon economy based on low energy consumption, less pollution and low emission becomes a new model of economy development, for developing low-carbon economy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is an effective way of tackling global climate change. At a new important period of China's historical development, transforming economy development mode, adjusting the industrial structure and optimizing energy configuration by choosing path of development of low-carbon economy will take the preemptive opportunities for China' s development in the new round of global economic competition.
作者 陈剑锋
机构地区 江西行政学院
出处 《陕西行政学院学报》 2010年第1期111-114,共4页 Journal of Shaanxi Academy of Governance
关键词 21世纪 低碳经济 发展潮流 道路选择 21st century low-carbon economy trend of development path choice
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