
国人腘绳肌腱移植不同固定方式重建ACL的生物力学研究 被引量:5

Biomechanical study of different internal fixations with Chinese hamstring tendon in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
摘要 [目的]探讨腘绳肌腱移植重建ACL股骨与胫骨侧采用不同固定方式的生物力学特性。[方法]采用新鲜冷冻尸体膝关节标本,腘绳肌腱移植,股骨侧分别用Endobutton(n=8)、Rigidfix(n=8)、肌腱结(n=8)和界面螺钉固定(n=8)。胫骨端采用可吸收界面螺钉(n=7)和Intrafix(n=7)固定,模拟ACL重建。进行循环载后位移、抗拉刚度、失效载荷、最大载荷等生物力学。[结果]失效载荷和最大载荷:Endobutton>Rigidfix>肌腱结>界面螺钉固定法,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),Rigidfix和界面螺钉之间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。抗拉刚度:Rigidfix=肌腱结>界面螺钉固定>Endobutton。循环载荷位移:肌腱结固定组>Rigidfix固定组>Endobutton固定组>界面螺钉固定组。胫骨端最大载荷:Intrafix固定组>可吸收界面螺钉组,两者之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);100 N、400 N抗拉刚度两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。[结论]采用Endobutton、Rigidfix、intrafix、肌腱结和界面螺钉ACL重建固定均可满足力学需求;Rigidfix和Intrafix固定系统较界面螺钉固定更具有生物力学优势。 [Objective]To analyze the biomechanics of different internal fixations with Chinese hamstring tendon in anterior cruciate ligament(ACL) reconstruction.[Method]Reconstruction models of ACL were established in human cadaver knee joint and randomly divided into different groups according to different materials: Endobutton(n=8),Rigidfix(n=8),Hamstring tendon knot(n=8),Interface absorbable screw(n=8) in femoral side.Interface absorbable screw(n=7) and Intrafix(n=7) in tibial side.The stiffness,max loading,failure loading,displacement loading were tested after cycling loading.[Result]Failure and max loading: Endobutton Rigidfix Hamstring tendon knot interface screw,with significant differences(P〈0.01).There was significant difference between Rigidfix and interface screw(P〈0.05).Stiffness: Rigidfix Hamstring tendon knot Interface screw Endobutton.Displacement: Hamstring tendon knot Rigidfix Endobutton interface screw.Max loading in tibial side: Intrafix interface screw,with significant difference(P〈0.05),while no significant difference was found under 100 N,400 N loading(P〈0.05).[Conclusion]All internal fixations in this study could meet biomechanical requirement,but Rigidfix and Intrafix showed more advantages.
出处 《中国矫形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期297-299,共3页 Orthopedic Journal of China
基金 国家科技支撑计划(编号:2007BA104B09)
关键词 前交叉韧带 生物力学 内固定 腘绳肌腱移植 anterior cruciate ligament biomechanics internal fixation hamstring tendon replacement
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